Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Some news and reviews from trip to Burma

Some News and Reviews After Returning from Burma

Burma is in deep trouble; everything seems going down deeply and would not be able to solve any situation.

People confessed to online medias that many people are begging on the streets in different ways. Nothing is working except some companies directly related to higher officials.

All foreign companies who invested need to pay 20% shares as bribe to a respective higher official to get a permit to set down a company, a foreigner who has a company in Taug Gyi confessed. He, however, refused to give any further details.

The generals summoned all diplomats from both UN and embassies around 10th of November. Everyone had to traveled to the so called "Nay Pyi Daw", literally "the palace". The reason for the invitation was to explain that the golden color revolution was organized by NLD. They asserted that NLD had planned ahead to take over the power after organizing demonstrations which destroyed the stability and peace of the country. Nobody believed in what they said, of course not; but what else could they say?

On the other hand, China and Russians have had eyes on the natural resources of Burma whatever they could pick up. The latest found natural gas maybe the most powerful source to resist. Someone recently came back from the country said that "Everything would be taken over by Chinese and Russian; do not worry about the sanctions imposed by the West." People who live in Mandalay need to speak some basic Chinese, some people suggested.

The controversial subject here is "sanction". Many politicians continue to debate about how useful sanctions and economic embargo are to punish brutal governments. To change the mind of the military junta, no one can say any definite answer. Time will tell us. The one definite answer is the sanctions and embargo would bring everything down.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Crazy Than Shwe's another stupidity

သန္းေရြ ယုတ္မာပက္စက္ ေနျပန္ျပီ။

ေရြ တိဂံုဘရားမွာ သန္းေရြ ေက်ာက္စိမ္းဘုရား တဆူ ကို လ်ဴထားတယ္လို ့သိရတယ္။ ဘုရားပုံေတာ္ကိုသူမ်က္နာနဲ ့တူေအာင္ထုထားတယ္လို ့ဆိုတယ္။ ဘုရားကိုလူေတြကေတာ့သလို မ်ိဳး သူကိုလူေတြက ကေတာ့ေအာင္ မပုန္ကန္ရဲ ေအာင္လို ့ဆိုတယ္။ ဘုရားက ရုပ္ပြားေတာ္က ညဏ္ေတာ္ ၁ဒသမ ၅ မီတာျမင့္တယ္လို ့သိရတယ္။ ေရြတဂံုဘုရား ေတာင္ဖက္ မုဒ္ အျခမ္းမွာရိွတယ္။ သတင္းအျပည္ ့အစံု ကို ေအာက္မွာ အဂၤလိပ္ဘာသာျဖင့္ဖတ္ရူ နိင္ပါတယ္။ ဒီသတင္းကို အင္တာနက္မွတဆင့္ရရိွလို ့အမ်ား

ျပည္သူမ်ားသိရိွရန္ တင္ျပေပးလိုက္ျခင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Than Shwe first insulted the Buddha before he murdered the monks

Found at the Burma’s holiest shrine, Shwedagon Pagoda, Than Shwe-like Jade Buddha Image is clearly lacking in serenity and calmness of Buddha.

Like many of my fellow Burmese people still reeling from the brutal September crackdown, I recently paid a visit to the Shwedagon pagoda for much-needed spiritual comfort but only discovered another painful truth. Burmese Senior General, Than Shwe, has insulted the Buddha long before he killed the sons of Buddha.

After arriving at a rest-hall named Ponnya-Kusala-Bahukara, located between the southern corner and western corner of the pagoda, I was aware of a 1.5 m-high jade Buddha image whose face strikingly resembles that of Than Shwe. In great amazement, I repeatedly surveyed the face of the image and could ascertain that its facial proportion and appearance are nearly the same as Burmese junta-chief’s. The forehead of the Buddha image is set with precious gems. According to the brass plates that describe the history of this “Jade Buddha Image”, it weighs a total of 324 kg and is adorned with 91 rubies, 9 diamonds and 2500.28 gram of gold. Sculpted in 1999 when the Shwedagon Pagoda was renovated on a large scale under the supervision of former General Khin Nyunt, the image was housed in a glass-walled room— probably to make its abnormality easily unnoticeable to the pilgrims.

Observing the image more and more closely, I was overcome by feelings of discomfort and abhorrence one usually feels when seeing at Than Shwe’s face, burdened with mountains of grisly crimes he committed against his own people and thus as gloomy and dirty as Burmese currency notes. Obviously, this Buddha image can be one of many crazy things Than Shwe did for his continued rule on the advice of astrologers (probably including the move of ministry buildings from Yangon to a jungle redoubt in central Myanmar and naming the new capital Naypyidaw—meaning royal palace), wasting an enormous amount of country’s wealth while many of Burmese people are living in abject poverty. In fact, the peaceful atmosphere of Shwedagon Pagoda where the sacred relics of past three Buddhas were enshrined in is contaminated by this kind of bizarre astrological act aimed at self-exaltation.

Of Three Gems for all Buddhists--Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha Order, Than Shwe has already assaulted the first and the third to desperately maintain his grip on power and to build a personality cult around him. “And would he even continue to make amendments to the Buddha’s teachings, the Second Gem that categorically denounces the unjust rule?” I thought to myself because the most well-known Buddhist monk, Sayadaw Ashin Nyanissara and other Buddhist monk-preachers began launching thinly-veiled attacks against the recent crackdown in their latest discourses, using direct quotes from the Buddhist scriptures.

Of course, given his lack of qualms about even insulting the Buddha, it should be no wonder that Than Shwe decided to butcher the peacefully-protesting monks who have preserved the teachings of Buddha for 2550 years ago. And I wonder if the strongman who dares to insult the Buddha and kill the monks has a genuine will to help transform Burma to a democracy. I doubt it, but one sure thing is that Than Shwe’s faith in astrology could have become more passionate these days because he found himself killing the monks just two months after “ewhsnahtrellik-killerthanshwe” joke came out.

အစအဆံုး..ၾကည့္ခ်င္ ရင္…..

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Quotations of Aung San Suu Kyi

If you are very new to the crisis of Burma and its related politicians and activists, I would like to introduce to a most prominent political activist of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi. She has been under house arrest for more than 12 years out of last 18 years.

Here are the Quotations of Aung San Suu Kyi

Human beings the world over need freedom and security that they may be able to realize their full potential.

Aung San Suu Kyi

I think I should be active politically. Because I look upon myself as a politician. That's not a dirty work you know. Some people think that there are something wrong with politicians. Of course, something wrong with some politicians.
Aung San Suu Kyi

It is often in the name of cultural integrity as well as social stability and national security that democratic reforms based on human rights are resisted by authoritarian governments.
Aung San Suu Kyi

Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contested by any government or nation, not even the most belligerent.
Aung San Suu Kyi

Sometimes I didn't even have enough money to eat. I became so weak from malnourishment that my hair fell out, and I couldn't get out of bed.
Aung San Suu Kyi

The democracy process provides for political and social change without violence.
Aung San Suu Kyi

The history of the world shows that peoples and societies do not have to pass through a fixed series of stages in the course of development.
Aung San Suu Kyi

The struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma is a struggle for life and dignity. It is a struggle that encompasses our political, social and economic aspirations.
Aung San Suu Kyi

The value systems of those with access to power and of those far removed from such access cannot be the same. The viewpoint of the privileged is unlike that of the underprivileged.
Aung San Suu Kyi

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Myanmar in Most Devastating Situation"

I escaped from Burma just like others . I realized later, I could only escape physically. I get lost when I see my country is in deep trouble. In deed, our souls will never be saved as long as we see our compatriots suffering under the repressive military regime.

We are concerned not only about the people living inside the country, but also for those who were forced to leave and worked under dangerous situation in other countries. Today, millions of Burmese living in exile with all kinds of fears, facing different threats, loosing lives, being humiliated, exploited by other people.

Our ethnic minorities are forced to leave their places, loosing lives everyday: women are raped, men are forced to work as human mine sweepers or as porters to carry military equipments with little food or no food. In villages, livestock and foods are systemically destroyed by the regime's troops. Our civilized society is completely ruined by the military junta.

We ask for those who can help to save our country. However, China may have most imported role in to help our case, most importantly it is our closest neighbor and most powerful country in the region.

Please help stop killing and torturing our people.

Senators Push for Arms Embargo Against Burma

Senators Push for Arms Embargo Against Burma

A bipartisan group of 48 Senators have asked the US President to support an international arms embargo against Burma.

In a letter to the White House, Senators urged the President to urge the UN Security Council to impose arm embargo sanction and to continue to support the efforts of thousands of Burmese citizen fighting for democratic change.

The Senators asked the President to support binding measures that will stop the inflow of weapons to the military.

The article of our honorary monks

Our greatest honor to our monks who sacrifice their lives in September uprising.

The uprising is not over

The military may control the streets and monasteries, but they will never be able to control the hearts or determination of the Burmese people.

Religious orders of monks have been the face of Burma ever since Buddhism was introduced here more than 1,000 years ago. For a monk to involve himself in politics or to hold a political post is contrary to the ethical code of Theravada Buddhism. But in Burma today, this spiritual philosophy, rooted in compassion and non-violence, has assumed unexpected dimensions of defiance and recalcitrance, as monks challenge the hegemony of the military junta that rules our country.

We are both Burmese Buddhist monks - a leader of the All Burma Sangha Coalition that led the recent protests, and a scholar teaching in the United States. One of us is in hiding today, because Burma's military government met the peaceful protests of our Buddhist brothers and sisters with violence and brutality.

Many monks and nuns have been abused and beaten, and thousands who have been arrested endure continued brutality. More than 1,000 are missing, and many are presumed dead.

A few weeks ago, Burma's monks began to march and pray and spread loving kindness in an effort to solve our nation's problems peacefully. Burma is a country rich in natural resources, but its people are poor. When the government suddenly and capriciously increased the price of fuel by as much as 500% overnight, everyone was affected - and made even more desperate.

As monks, we believe in alleviating suffering wherever we see it, as part of the vows we have taken. We could not ignore our people's suffering. We formed the Sangha Coalition when we saw that the country's monks were united.

Those of us who are studying and teaching abroad share this unity, and have rallied to the support of those of us in Burma. And it is not only the monks who are united. When we started our peaceful marches for change, students, youth, intellectuals, and ordinary people joined us in the streets, in the rain.

We thought that we could appeal to some, if not all, of the generals - Buddhists themselves - who control our country to join us in trying to right the many ills befalling Burma. At first, we tried to show our displeasure with military rule by refusing to receive alms from them. We turned our begging bowls upside down as a gesture of our feelings. We have not lost our loving kindness towards ordinary soldiers, nor even towards the leaders who ordered them to brutalise their own people, but we wanted to urge them to change while there was still time.

We know that some people in the army and organisations close to the regime have been reluctant to use violence against the monks. We want to tell the people who are violent towards their own countrymen to stop and think whether their actions are in accordance with the dharma, whether they are acting for the good of Burma's people. Some of the soldiers who were ordered to beat us and to stop us from marching actually refused to do so, because they understood the truth of what we were doing.

We hoped to create a way out for the military leaders, a way to start a real dialogue with the people's leaders and the leaders of ethnic groups, for the unity of the nation. But that hope was short-lived. The regime is now hunting down those who participated in the demonstrations and committing unspeakable acts of violence.

They have attacked monasteries and arrested monks and nuns by force. Guards are everywhere, on all the streets, around the pagodas and residential areas. Wounded demonstrators are reported to have been buried alive in mass graves, and there are confirmed reports of bodies washing ashore in the waterways near Yangon (Rangoon). The regime is brutalising the Burmese people, and lying to the world about its actions.

Brigadier General Kyaw Hsan, a representative of the military, recently told UN Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari that the marchers in the streets were "bogus monks." But we are genuine, and thousands of us - from Rangoon, Mandalay, Pegu, Arakan, Magwe, and Sagaing - demonstrated for peace.

Some have said that the uprising in Burma is over. That is what the junta wants the world to think. But we believe that the protests represent the beginning of the end of military rule in our country. The generals who ordered the crackdown are assaulting not only Burma's people, but also their own hearts, souls, and spiritual beliefs. The monks are the preservers of dharma; by attacking them, the generals attack Buddhism itself.

We know that the international community is trying to help us, but we need that help to be more effective. We thank the many people and organisations abroad who are helping us regain the rights denied to us for more than 40 years. But we also appeal to the international community to make its actions practical and effective.

The military government will do anything to remain in power, and their violent acts must be exposed to the world. They may control the streets and monasteries, but they will never be able to control our hearts and our determination.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Great Reality Show of Than Shwe's family

Great Reality Show of Than Shwe's family

Note: Translated from Ko Moe Thee's original article

The following story shows how Burma was ruled by a crazy family. It is unbelievable but this is inevitable happening in Burma.

Recently, Kyaing Kyaing's leg was broken after having accident in her residential home; poor old woman. The news was in Mizzima.org. The whole point here is she could not attend army official graduation ceremony this year. "I felt much relieved", said one army officer who just graduated.

Actually, the entire Myanmar army is just slaves of General Than Shwe's family. To bring all stories of Than Shwe and his infamous daughters would never end. Do they have good ethics and morals? The best thieves and mafias will have to praise them as their mentors.
And they all seem to be quite brilliant; the brightest daughter passed her high school when she turned thirty. Then she went to China and had her PHD ......!! And their mother Kyaing Kyaing is not a dump either. When she went to visit China, she introduced herself to a Chinese minister, " Kyaing Kyaing is my name". The interpreter kept herself very hard not to laugh in front of people. After the meeting, she went to the washroom to have a big laugh.

There are more about Kyaing Kyaing: in era of former prime minister Khin Nyunt, a daily duty of a colonel from Military Intelligence Department was to help Kyaing Kyaing operate a Karaoke machine !!

About their infamous daughters: A while ago, they went to Ngwe Saung beach (famous beach closest to Yangon). Young army officers had to ride bicycles on the beach in order to let these women sit behind.

Than Shwe and Kyaing Kyaing usually select young army officers in annual army official graduation ceremony. The army community says it is the time they make selection of potential army officers for their daughters. However, there was a young army officer who did not accept any approach for such reason. He was transfered to a rural area and later put in custody.

Once, Than Shwe and the family went to a Buddhist school opening ceremony in Hinthada, Irrawaddy division. While divisional army commanders kept busy accommodating Than Shwe and his wife Kyaing Kyaing, the duty of the wife of divisional commender and wives of majors was to take care of the first daughters. Thus, the wife of D.C had to make an urgent meeting. In that meeting, she decided to give three days hands on training how to take care of the first daughters.

Some guidelines in that training included following...........
1- Go only when one is summoned
2- Stand up at a place not far, neither too closed
3- When passing near by put one's head must down.
4. Do not have to keep hands still on chest, nor bow.
5- Clean hands before serving water or juice.
6- use tissue paper whenever holding a glass or opening a bottle.
7- use both hands to give or take something.
8- Never touch the bodies of first daughters
9- Do not shake hands with them

Additional to remember in that training was to make best effort to take care of them during their stay, and if they ask army official number of their spouses, then this is a sign of a trouble coming. Furthermore, the trainees were provided some more informations such as this specific daughter is horny, the other one is a big eater, the another one has bad temper and etc.
Among several first daughters, the one named "Ma Pauk" is apparently unbearable; she is the one who threw an ash tray to the Burmese ambassador to China. Wives of divisional army commanders cannot stand her, the army community reported. Apparently, she loves to hear if anyone makes compliment of being resemble to a famous western actress, Cate Winslet.

Duties of these ladies are also varied according to the positions of their spouses.

1- Duty of wives of divisional army commanders: to greet Kyaing Kyaing and holding an umbrella when she comes out from her car.
2- Duty of wives of colonels is to do similar thing to the first daughters.
3- Duty of the wives of captains is to carry the luggages of the daughters, and to be always ready nearby to help them
4- Duty of wives of lower officials is to do dishes and folding their clothes.

Anyway, in that trip one of the daughters bullied a wife of young army staff. On the way back from the trip, they stopped over at a small hotel. One trouble maker thought the hotel was not decent enough and was complaining lack of facilities. All her angers dropped on the young lady who came to take care of her: she asked the young lady to clean her feed, the young lady brought a bowl with water and cleaned her feed, then she asked her to make them dry. The problem was there was no such towel to dry feed ( Burmese are too superstitious to mix up towels, especially for face towel to use for other part of body). So the young lady was using a tissue paper to dry up the feed of the first daughter. She was fuming for such incident. In the entire situation, the young lady testified, the vicious woman did not use any single word, instead communicated with the body language. The result of that incident: she asked the army official no of the spouse of the young lady.

Another similar story: The first daughters accompanied their father to Pago, which is fifty miles far from Yangon. They decided to stay over night, unfortunately all forgot the spare underwear. Wives of senior army officials understood the situation quickly and sent someone to buy some underwear. After the person came back with a bunch of underwear, the daughters were angry, complaining that the person did not buy excellent quality products.

The most vicious one may have been "Dae Wa Shwe". If she sees any army officer she doesn't like, she usually throw boiled water from her balcony. Once, she told her driver she wanted to see Yangon city and eat at the same time. The driver took her with entire lunch preparation on the car by driving
the care slowly to let her see the capital.

Their another vicious scam was in the Inle Lake. In the middle of the night, they wanted to eat "Mon Kwye Thae", which is a traditional snack only sold for breakfast and afternoon. Wives of divisional army officers did not know what to do. So what did they do? They had to make "Mon Kwye Thae" in the middle of the night.

One of their famous businesses is to go and look around best Jewelery shops in Yangon after misguiding themselves in order not to be recognized by local people. If they find something they like, they keep in a list and usually ask wives of different ministers to buy. So these jewelery are considered to be some kind of levy asking by a mafia group because they know that wives the ministers are corrupted by using their husband's power. One day, they asked Daw Khin Khin, wife of Yangon mayor U Ko Lay, to go and get a specific pearl necklace from FMI shopping centre. It must have been quite expensive, Daw Khin Khin borrowed some money from someone to buy that necklace. There were many similar stories like this among high officials, but they do not know how to get out of the situation. Reportedly, they love diamonds and pearls. There is a remark among wives of minister level,"if first daughters ever summon you by letter, make sure to bring money with you".

Everyone knows about a little monkey, a grandson of Than Shwe. There may be something that nobody knows yet. To be added more about him, once he lost his watch in a lake of Mawlamyaing. In the middle of the night, the monkey forced a divisional army commander to buy him a watch. The commander took him downtown Mawlamyaing, forced an owner who owned a watch shop. The little monkey was following his auntie's tradition, took a dozen of watches without paying. Neither
the army commander paid for those watches.

Once, they all went to a city called "Pyae". Many cars in big line traveling together on a highway. One of ladies, wife of a lt.colonel, wasn't very obedient like other ladies; she was very neutral among others. On the way between Yangon and Pyae, they stopped over somewhere, the vicious family left the wife of colonel on the highway.

To be concluded, there are much more incredible stories.....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Canadians are Tougher!!

Canada imposes more sanctions on Burma

Canada says its sanctions on Burma are the toughest in the world

Canada has enforced its sanctions against Burma to punish the military regime for the violence crackdown on democracy protestors in September.

"With the new sanctions now in effect, we have the toughest sanctions in the world," said Foreign Minister Maxime Bernier in a statement announcing that the measures, drafted last month, had come into force.

The measures include bans on exports from Canada to Burma except humanitarian goods, and on Canadians' new investment there, and a freeze on assets in Canada of Burmese people linked to the rulers.

It also bans Burmese ships and planes from docking or landing in Canada, and vice versa.

Black Represent our Sad Memory of September

More Human Right Abuses in Yangon Universities

After the popular uprising, the Golden Color Revolution, many Burmese all over the world try to show their emotions by all mean including dressing particular colors. Some of protesters in Singapore dressed red T shirts to show the solidarity with those who suffering inside the country. In homeland, many dressed in red or black to protest the bloody crackdown and sorrow. Some dressed in yellow to honor the monks who led the September uprising.

The latest movement in Yangon universities is dressing black among student activists. Meanwhile, the security has been tighten in different university compounds. There are many police official who pretend to be students are in every university classes watching student constantly , the prominent Burmese bloggers and news agencies mentioned earlier this month. There are, reportedly, nine students who are in the black list to be arrested when the school are opened again. According to a testimony from a university student in the eastern township, the most remarkable incident took place on the 20th of November. More than hundred students came wearing black color had to sign that they will not dress the black color again. Some of them already heard from teachers and they could avoid it, but many unfortunately had to sign.

The professors in universities are also warned that none of any incident or campaign should take place, otherwise, they would be charged for being lack of responsibility.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Genocide and Human Right Abuses in Karen Areas

This following news is translated from Khitpyaing.org

Thanks to China, Our Ethnic Groups are Loosing Their Lives

There was a news conference at Thai-Burma border area where Karin Ethnic rebel commander Phado Lay Law Saw met regional reporters. Here is the testimony of human right abuses by the Burmese government troops.

Military troops went to
Lae Wa village and destroyed the food and all household stuff of the villagers. Their main goal is to control the territory and to carry out the genocide. In the middle of this year, the military troops entered a peasants field in Lae Wa village where villagers were working. Everyone run away, but one was unfortunately caught. They took out his eyes and cut his tong. His body was found two days later.

Another incident in Jun, 2007; in Wa Kho Do village, there were five Karen villagers caught by the army, three were shot dead on the spot. The other two other villagers are tied up by the ropes and being used as human mine sweepers. After going a while in the jungle, a soldier behind mine sweepers stepped on the mine and died on the spot."

From the third week of November, 187 military army groups spreading over ethnic areas, mostly in Karen State and Shan state. Many reliable sources in border areas also confirmed the news of four hundred military trucks sent by the Chinese government. Numbers of battles were already carried out in different areas and some casualties on both sides.

Absolute Horrified Human Right Abuses Committed by the Military Junta

Proof of Absolute Horrified Human Right Abuses and Excuse of Burmese Ambassador

The generals may never understand what the human rights means. The Burmese ambassador to the United Nations, U Wonna Maung Lwin, recently slammed the report of Human Right professor Dr. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, saying that the crackdown on recent uprising is not violating any human right as a state using the legitimate use of force to solve a problem.

The world has been changing rapidly. It is not like 1988 or 1989 when thousands of universities students from Burma and China constantly killed by their respective governments. The ambassador should open his eyes bigger and think about whether he is saying right things and believing in right policy. Because the words he said will always remain and there is a serious consequence. U Wonna Maung Lwin supposed to be more open to the world as he has been working as foreign ambassador and many opportunities to learn how other leaders rule their states.

The following websites have a solid proof of how the military junta abused the power and violated the crimes. You can also look for more videos in these websites. They cannot eliminate the crimes they committed, and the history will remain forever.


Figures of Dead Civilians and Monks are much more than What People Thought!!

Figures of Dead Civilians and Monks are much more than What People Thought!!

The number of casualty in the September's uprising, given by the military junta and the report of Human right reporter Mr. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro were completely opposite from those of Chinese News paper. According to the Chinese newspaper, Global News, which is quite popular within China described that there were more than thousand died. The reason maybe Chinese news agencies can work freely inside Burma whereas local Burmese are not allowed during the uprising.

In Human right professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro's report, there were large numbers of dead bodies burnt in cementaries; police and soldiers were replaced the regular cemetery workers to carry out such activities.

စက္တင္ ဘာ လူထုလႈပ္ရွားမႈ မွာ ကုလသမဂ နဲ ့ နအဖ ေျပာသလို လူအနည္းငယ္ပဲ ေသတယ္ဆိုတာမဟုတ္ပါ။ တရုပ္ သတင္းစာ တေစာင္အဆိုအရ လူေတြ ေထာင္နဲ ့ခ်ိီေသတယ္လို ့ေဖၚျပထားပါတယ္။ သတင္းစာ နာမည္က -Global Journal - လို ့ ေခၚပါတယ္။ ဒီသတင္းစာ က တရုပ္ျပည္တြင္းမွာ ေပၚျပဴလာျဖစ္တဲ ့သတင္းစာတေစာင္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ျမန္မာ ျပည္မွ နိင္ငံျခားသတင္းေထာက္ေတြလြတ္လပ
္စြာသတင္းယူလို ့မရပါဘူး။ တရုပ္သတင္း ေအဂ်င္စီေတြပဲ လြတ္လပ္စြာသတင္းယူနိင္တာပါ။

ျမန္မာစစ္အစိုးရဟာ ေသေနတဲ့ အေလာင္းေတြကို သဂ်ိင္းကုန္းေတြမွာမီးရူိ ့ ဖ်က္ဆီးခဲ့ျပီး သဂ်ိဳင္း အလုပ္သမားေတြေနရာမွာ စစ္သားေတြ ရဲေတြကို အစားထိုး ျပီး အေလာင္းေဖ်ာက္ဖ်က္မူေတြကို လုပ္ကိုင္ခဲ့ပါတယ္လို ့လည္း ပါေမက ပီနဲ ရိုးရဲ ့အစီရင္ခံစားမွလည္း ေဖၚျပထားပါတယ္။

Maung Maung, is he opportunist?

Maung Maung, is he opportunist?

Activists Leaders Say Maung Maung Not 'Mastermind' of Uprising

By Wai Moe
December 13, 2007

Leading Burmese activists this week disputed claims by exiled politician and labor activist Maung Maung that he trained people to participate in the September uprising.Maung Maung, a controversial politician in exile, was quoted in The Washington Post, on December 4, "We had about 200 people inside the country trained to take pictures with digital and video cameras. We also trained them to transmit using satellite phones and Internet cafes. They were on the front lines when the demonstrations started.”

"We want money for Sat phones, for digital cameras, for typewriters for the monks, for bicycles. We need it now"Maung Maung

"We want money for Sat phones, for digital cameras, for typewriters for the monks, for bicycles। We need it now," he told the Post.However, many pro-democracy opposition groups inside and outside Burma strongly disputed Maung Maung's claims and are critical of his unsubstantiated comments.U Sila Nanda, a leading monk during the September uprising who arrived on the Thai-Burmese border recently, said independent monks led the mass protests and no exiled politicians were behind the uprising.

On December 3 in press conference in Naypyidaw, the Burmese junta's Police Director Brig-Gen Khin Yi alleged that exiled Burmese opposition groups and politicians were the masterminds behind the planning and organizing of the pro-democracy uprising.

U Sila Nanda said the junta’s claim in the press conference that Maung Maung, also known as Pyi Thit Nyunt Wai, played a leadership role in the uprising was U Sila Nanda said the junta’s claim in the press conference that Maung Maung, also known as Pyi Thit Nyunt Wai, played a leadership role in the uprising was false।Maung Maung is also secretary of The Federation of Trade Unions—Burma (FTUB). On Thursday, he was in Washington, DC, with a Burmese delegation lobbying for funds to aid opposition groups.

“The exiled politician [Maung Maung] was not related to the monks in Burma during the uprising,” said U Sila Nanda.

“The monks in Burma are clearly free from any exiled organization. If any politicians tried to control the monks, we [monks] would not accept it.

"If they want credit for the monk-led demonstrations, then they should cooperate with the monks,” he said.

Tun Myint Aung, a leader of the 88 Generation Students group who is in hiding, told The Irrawaddy this week that exiled politicians and activists should speak carefully about the causes behind the demonstrations.

“This kind of talk can split the pro-democracy movement," he said. "It can also make more risky situations for activists inside Burma. It is counterproductive.

"Nobody, including the 88 group, systematically prepare for the movement. It happened naturally through the people’s momentum.

“On August 19, we marched in Rangoon. But we did not prepare for that march. We immediately decided to march because of the Burmese people’s poor situation after the fuel price hike by the junta.”

Bo Kyi, the joint secretary of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), said all anti-junta protests were originated by people inside Burma who suffer under the military rules.

“Exiled politicians should not say that it was their work," he said.

All the junta's accusations were false, he said.

"No one gave money to people to join the protests. Hundreds of thousands of people decided to join the protests for democracy and their future,” he said.

Naing Aung, the secretary-general of the Forum for Democracy in Burma, said most protesters were independent monks, young people and students who were not connected to exiled groups such as the FDB or FTUB.

He was critical of exiled leaders who claim ties to groups inside Burma, also saying it could make trouble for pro-democracy activists.

Both Bo Kyi and Naing Aung were named by Brig-Gen Khin Yi as masterminds behind the scene of the September uprising.

A former political prisoner in Mae Sot also disputed statements made by Maung Maung, who, during a meeting on the border during the uprising, said members of his trade union organization would join the uprising.

"But none of his men joined the September movement,” the activist said.

In the press conference in Naypyidaw, Police Director Brig-Gen Khin Yi alleged that systematic planning designed to topple the junta was done months before the uprising.

He claimed the main group behind the opposition was the FDB, which is based on the Thai-Burmese border.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

U Gambi Ya, the monk leader may not get death penalty

Earlier informations reported that U Gambi Ya would have death penalty for pursuing to control the state power, which can result death penalty.

According to VOA news, U Gam Bi Ya who led September uprising the popular first time met his mother recently and will be charged for destroying the state's sovereignty. This type of charges can lead to maximum seven years imprisonment.

He looks healthy and still a monk except he does not wear a monk's robe. U Gambi Ya is getting a lot of attention and admiration from the public, said the mother.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hanger Strikes in Insein Prison

Many political prisoners in Insein prison are now doing hunger strikes according to reliable new agencies. The one who is in longest hunger strikes is Ko Htin Kyaw who made the solo and small group protests before the September popular uprising. Ko Htin Kyaw was abruptly taken into custody in his last solo protest in front of the Hle Tan Market.

Early news indicated that Ko Htin Kyaw was tortured in custody and put in isolated cell. He later could join the other prisoners.

Ko Htin Kyaw started the hunger strike demanding some number of justices for all political prisoners, including the right to have proper medical treatment. So far, he has been in his 13th day of hunger strike and drink only coffee mix; he will soon switch to water, according to his wife. He was recently transfered to downtown police station in Yangon and the government is preparing to put his case as trying to ruin of the sovereign of the state, which can put him in jail for at least two years behind bars.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Make A Brilliant Decision

Make A Brilliant Decision

It is the time to realize that someone to replace Than Shwe. If there is anyone from Military who is courageous, patriotic and brilliant, then the person should start the coup now!! We don't have much time and we need to take advantage out of this situation before something happens!!

Many political activists still believe the country needs strong military in order to protect the country. However, we only need who can change the lives of 60 millions people, we don't need a military leader who looks for the sake of his family and relatives. It is the time to change!!

latest news from Irrawaddy online magazine

Rumors Say Than Shwe is Ill—Bad Karma?
By Wai Moe
December 7, 2007

Rumors are spreading within Burma and as far abroad as Singapore that the health of junta chief Snr-Gen Than Shwe is deteriorating, with many people suggesting he’s experiencing bad karma because of his brutal crackdown on peacefully demonstrating monks in September.

[Photo: Reuters]

The rumors appear to have originated with Tatmadaw soldiers whose menial duties bring them into close contact with the 74-year-old general. From there, reports of his failing health reached higher ranking officers.

They broke surface on Thursday after Than Shwe met a Chinese official who reportedly urged him to adopt reforms in order to improve the country’s economy. The general was reported to be suffering strain and “psychological problems.”

An earlier meeting with a visitor from Beijing, a Chinese deputy foreign minister, was also followed by a bout of ill health, ascribed by military sources to stress. The Chinese minister was believed to have urged Than Shwe to speed up work on the seven-step road map to democracy.

One source told The Irrawaddy that Than Shwe had been depressed by a report by the head of the United Nations Development Programme in Burma, Charles Petrie, who was expelled from Burma recently. The report highlighted the junta’s economic failures and mismanagement.

Rumors of Than Shwe’s ill health also circulated among Burmese living in Singapore, where members of the junta usually seek medical attention. Despite his reluctance to leave the country, for fear of a coup in his absence, Than Shwe traveled to Singapore in January this year for treatment at Singapore General Hospital.

Than Shwe was in the hospital for about one week, but he reportedly rejected advice to undergo surgery for a life-threatening condition, saying he wanted first of all to consult his chief astrologer. He was said to be suffering from hypertension and diabetes.

Many Burmese say Than Shwe’s health problems are bad karma because of his suppression of the monks’ demonstrations. They point to the precedent of Snr-Gen Saw Maung, regime head and commander-in-chief of the Tatmadaw from 1988 to 1992, who launched a crackdown on a monks’ boycott in 1990.

He subsequently fell ill—many say with psychological problems—and was replaced by Than Shwe in 1992. Two years later, Saw Maung died.

“Now it’s Than Shwe’s turn,” said one Buddhist resident of Rangoon. “He is responsible for the deaths of monks and has earned bad karma. His end could come very soon.”

General Than Shwe facing serious psychological problem!!

It is the time for Than Shwe to go?

According to some sources inside the army, Than Shwe recently lost conscious just after his meeting with a Chinese diplomat. A psychiatrist from Yangon was recently taken to Pyinmana to help the case, sources continued. Apparently, family and friends are deliberately encouraging him to go to Singapore for emergency case.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

news from irrawaddy online magazine

General Than Shwe will die soon

The sources in a Singapore hospital said General Than Shwe may die in a few years . He has been suffering from a cancer and also kidney problem. The sources said, the physicians encouraging the frail general to have operations as what he has is a serious cancer.
However, they were astonished to hear that he would rather go back to Burma to verify with his astrologer whether he should have operation.

His health has been deteriorating since previous years and he has been reportedly looking for someone who can replace when he goes for retirement. He is now in his 74.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I Always Love Burma

I Always Love Burma

A book named "I always love Burma" was published in Norway this month. The book was written by a Norwegian author
Ragnhilt Rossvær" and the price is about 30 US dollars. The author illustrated the life events inside Burma of family members of poet Cho Saint Tun (a) Cho Saint Hmaine, who is a great grand son of honorable National Leader, Thakhin Ko Daw Hmine, during the British colonial time.

Leader of the monks will face death penalty!!

Dear all, Please help if you can do anything about following news!! It just came out a few hours ago.

Monk 'faces death for treason'

'I am proud of him' says 29-year-old's mother

A young monk who led the September demonstrations in Rangoon has been charged with treason, according to his family, writes Edward Loxton for The First Post. Treason is a capital crime in Burma. If convicted and executed, 29-year-old U Gambira would be the first monk to be put to death in Burma since the British colonial administration hanged a monk who led a rebellion more than 70 years ago.

U Gambira's mother told the exile magazine Irrawaddy that she had been officially told of the charge against her son, who was hunted down and arrested earlier this month. U Gambira's father, Min Lwin, was also arrested.

The young monk is a leader of the Alliance of All Burma Buddhist Monks, which rallied Burma's clergy behind the September demonstrations. He had been in hiding since the demonstrations were brutally suppressed by Burmese troops and police, but continued to send out messages of defiance—including a vow to continue the anti-regime struggle – until his capture.

"I am proud of him," his mother told the Irrawaddy in a phone call, putting herself at risk of retribution from a regime that commonly takes family members hostage. She was briefly detained, together with some other members of her family, when U Gambira fled in September. U Gambira's brother, Kyaw Kyaw, is still being held.

The regime's practice of taking family members hostage has been roundly condemned by human rights groups, who compare it to Nazi Germany's Sittenhaft, where family members were held accountable for the political 'crimes' of their parents and siblings.

Meanwhile, the authorities announced today that they had freed six political prisoners, including five members of the opposition National League for Democracy. They included a student, That Naung Soe, who had served five years of a 14-year sentence for staging a solo demonstration outside Rangoon's City Hall. The group were released as UN human rights rapporteur Paulo Sergio Pinheiro ended his five-day visit to Burma, during which he visited several jailed detainees and tried to put together a list of those still held.

The regime claims to have freed all but 91 of the 3,000 people arrested during and after the September demonstrations, but independent sources say at least 1,000 are still detained. Pinhiero said he was moderately satisfied with the results of his visit and promised to issue a report within the next two weeks. He said he had been able to visit several detained members of the 88 Generation Student movement, the main motor behind the September demonstrations, but had not met Min Ko Naing, a former political associate of Aung San Suu Kyi.

The outspoken activist was arrested at the start of the September protests and is reportedly in a grave physical condition after repeated sessions of 'hard' interrogation. Pinheiro also failed to meet Burma's longest serving political prisoner, 78-year-old journalist Win Tin, who has served 18 years of a life sentence for his criticism of the regime.

The First Post has posted amateur video footage showing conclusively that the ruling junta's claim that it did not use excessive force to put down the protests are false.

Articles from Moe Thee Zon's website

This is from Moe Thee Zon's website!! Sorry to those who don't know how to read Burmese!!

ေၾကးစည္သံၾကားေတာ့ ေခြးေတြ အူၾကျခင္း

ရုပ္ရွင္ေကာင္စီ ထဲ မွာ နအဖ လူေတြရိွတယ္။ သူတို ့ထဲမွာ သိန္းထြန္းေအာင္၊ မလိခ နဲ ့ ျမင့္သိန္းေဖ တို ့ က နအဖ အလို က် ရုပ္ရွင္ေကာင္စီက ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ေၾကညာခ်က္ကို ရူတ္ခ်တဲ့ ေၾကညာခ်က္ထုတ္ ျပီး ႏို ့တစ္ ဘုတ္မွာ ကပ္ထားတယ္လို ့သိရတယ္။ ၾကခတ္၀ိုင္း ဖုန္းၾကီးကလည္း သာသန အရည္ျခံဳ ျပီး စဏက် နိတိ ( ဟင္ဒီအဘိဓမာဆရာတဦးရဲ ့ေလာကအျမင္ ) ေတြ ကို ေဟာခဲ့တယ္။ အၾကြင္းမထားရ တရားေတြ ေဟာခဲ့တယ္။ ( ရန္ၾကြင္း၊ မီးၾကြင္း၊ ေၾကြးၾကြင္း ) ဒါေတြက ဘုရားမေဟာခဲဘူး။ ဘုန္းၾကီးကေျပာေတာ့ ဘုရားေဟာလိုလိုဘာလိုသူကခတ္တည္တည္နဲ့လိမ့္ထားတယ္။က်ေနာ္ကနာခံမူကိုဆန္းစစ္ျခင္းဆိုတဲ့စာအုပ္မွာ ဒီျပသာနာကို ေဆြးေႏြးတင္ျပထားပါတယ္။ ရြက္မြန္ ဘေလာက္နဲ ့ မဇိမ မွာ ေဒါင္းလုပ္ရနိင္ပါတယ္။ )
ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္စု ၾကည္ကို ဟိုမိန္းမက ခ်ေနျပီဆို ျပီး မင္းတို ့ ဘာလုပ္ေနတာလည္း ျမန္ျမန္ သတ္ေတာ့ ဆိုတဲ့ပံုစံမ်ိဳး အားေပးအားေျမာက္လုပ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ လက္နက္ခ်အညံခံထားတဲ့ တိုင္းရင္းသားအဖြဲ ့အခ်ိဳ ့က ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ရဲ ့ ေၾကညာခ်က္ကို မေထာက္ခံပါဘူး ဆိုျပီး ၀ိုင္းကန္ ့ကြက္တဲ့စာေတြ ထုတ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။

ဒါေတြ ကို နအဖ ဖိအားေပးလို ့လုပ္ခဲ့ရတာပါ လို ့ ဆင္ျခင္ေပးတဲ့သူကေပးပါတယ္။ကိုယ္တိုင္လိုလိုလားလားလုပ္တဲ့သူေတြလည္း ရိွပါတယ္။ ဥပမာ သိန္းထြန္းေအာင္၊ မလိခ၊ နဲ ့ျမင့္သိန္းေဖ နဲ ့ၾကခတ္၀ိုင္းဘုန္းၾကီးတို ့ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
ဒီျဖစ္ရပ္က ဘာနဲ ့တူေနသလည္း ဆိုေတာ့ ေၾကးစည္သံၾကားေတာ့ သူေတာ္ေကာင္းေတြ က ေကာင္းမူကုသိုလ္တခုေတာ့လူသားျပဳေနျပီဆိုျပီးသာဓုေခၚၾကတယ္။ေခြးေတြကေတာ့အူလိုက္သည္းလိုက္ျဖစ္လာျပီး အူၾကရတဲ့ျဖစ္ရပ္ မ်ိဳးပါပဲ။ လူနဲ ့တိရစန္ ျခားနားခ်က္ကေတာ့ အသိညဏ္ပဲလို ့ ဒသနိက ဆရာေတြက ဆို ၾကတယ္။ ျမန္မာျပည္မွာေတာ့လူနဲ ့ေခြး နဲ ့ၿခားနားခ်က္ဟာ ေၾကးစည္သံလို ဆိုရမွာေပါ့၊၊ ေကာင္းမူကိုလူကသာဓုေခၚနိင္တယ္၊၊ ေခြးကမေခၚနိင္ဘူး။ ဒီေတာ့ အူတယ္။ ထူးျခားတာကေတာ့ တခ်ိဳ ့ေခြးေတြက လူေယာင္ေဆာင္ထားၾကတယ္။ သူမ်ား ဘေလာက္ေတြ မွာနာမည္၀ွက္ေတြ ၊ ဆဲစာေတြကို ေရးျပီး အူျခင္ ေဟာင္ျခင္တဲ့စိတ္ကို ေျဖ သိမ့္ေပးေနရတယ္။ ဒီေခြးေတြ နဲ ့ ေခြးအစစ္ရဲ ့ျခားနားခ်က္ကေတာ့ ဒီေတြ
IP Address ေတြရိွေနျခင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ေခြးဆိုေတာ့ ေၾကးစည္သံၾကားရင္ သာဓုေခၚရမွန္းမသိပဲ အူျခင္စိ္တ္ကမ်ားေနေတာ့ ကိုယ္ IP Address ေတြ ေပၚေနမွန္းမသိၾကရွာဘူး၊၊

အစအဆံုး..ၾကည့္ခ်င္ ရင္…..

ေဒၚၾကိုင္ၾကိုင္ ယၾကာယာေခ် ျခင္း

နအဖ ၊ ေအာက္လမ္း ဆရာမ်ား နဲ ့လြတ္ေျမာက္ေရး ဂါထာ

ႏို၀င္ဘာ ၁၈ ရက္ေန ့ညသန္းေခါင္ယံ၊ ေရြ တိဂံု ဘုရား ေပၚမွာ ေဒၚၾကိုင္ၾကိုင္လာေရာက္ျပီး
ယတၾတာေခ်တယ္လို ့သတင္းရရိွပါတယ္။ ၀က္တေကာင္၊ေခြးတေကာင္ကို ဆြဲ ျပီး
ဘုရားကို တပတ္လွည္ ့သြားတာလို ့ အမည္မေဖၚလိုတဲ့ ေဂၚပက လူၾကီးတဦးက ထုတ္ေဖၚေျပာဆိုပါတယ္။ ဒီလို ယႏၾကာကိုေခ်ေပးတဲ့ ဘိုးေတာ္က ေတာ့ ကေလာျမိဳ ့ကေနေခၚလာတာလို ့သိရပါတယ္။ သူကို အေရွ ့ပိုင္းတိုင္းတိုင္းမႈး ကိုယ္တိုင္ေခၚယူလာေပးတာလို ့သိရပါတယ္။ ဒီသတင္းကို ၾကည္ ့ရင္ ရီစရာေတာ့ေကာင္းတယ္။ကေလးကလားဆန္တယ္လို့မိတ္ေဆြေတြးေကာင္းေတြးမိနိင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ ဒီသတင္းနဲ ့ ျဖစ္ရပ္ေတြဟာ အာဏာရ နအဖ စစ္ေခါင္းေဆာင္ေတြထဲမွာ အူလိုက္သည္းလိုက္ယံုၾကည္ေနတဲ့ လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနတဲ့ျဖစ္ရပ္ေတြ ပါ။ ဒီလိုအရူးထမူေတြဟာ သန္းေရြ စစ္အုပ္စုရဲ ့ဆရာ ၾကီးျဖစ္တဲ့ ေန၀င္းလက္ထက္ကတည္းကစခဲ့တာပါ။ သူရဲ ့လက္စြဲ ကေတာ့ ဆရာျမိဳင္ဆိုတဲ့ စုန္းကေ၀ ဆရာၾကီး ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ျပည္သူေတြကို ဒုကေပါင္းစံု ေရာက္ေအာင္ ေန၀င္း အာဏာတည္ျမဲ သထက္တည္ျမဲေအာင္
ေအာက္လမ္းနည္းလမ္းေပါင္းစံုကိုသံုးျပီး အက်ိဳးျပဳခဲ့သူတဦး ျဖစ္ခဲ့တယ္။ ျမန္မာ ျပည္မွာလူထု အံုၾကြမူေတြ ျဖစ္ျပီး ေန၀င္း ျပုတ္ေတာ့မွာကို ဆရာျမိဳင္က ယတၾကာေခ်ေပးတဲ့အေနနဲ ့ ထိုင္းနိင္ငံကို ေန၀င္း ကိုယ္တိုင္သြားျပီး ဘုရားတဆူလူခဲ့ပါေသးတယ္။ ဘုရားေအာက္မွာ အင္းကြက္ေတြေရးခဲ့တယ္လို့ဆိုပါတယ္။
ထိုင္း နိင္ငံဆိုတာကလည္း ေဗဒင္တို ့ယႏၾတာယာတို ့ကို အင္မတန္မွာ ယံုတဲ့သူေတြပါ။
ေန၀င္းယတၾကာေခ်တဲ့ဘုရားအေၾကာင္းကိုသူတို ့သိေတာ့ ဘုရားကို ျမန္မာ ျပည္ထဲ
ျပန္လာျပီးလြတ္ျပစ္တယ္လို ့သံတမာန္ အတင္းစကားေတြ ကို က်ေနာ္တို ့တကသိုလ္ေက်ာင္းသားဘ၀က ၾကားခဲ့ဘူးတယ္။ ေနာက္ဆံုးေတာ့ ၈ေလးလံုးဆိုတဲ့ မဟာ လူထု တန္ခိုးေတာ္ေအာက္မွာ ေန၀င္းလည္း ျပဳတ္။ မဆလလည္း သမိုင္းအမူက္ျခင္းထဲ ေရာက္ဆရာျမိဳင္လည္း ဆရာကြိဳင္ ျဖစ္ခဲ့ရပါတယ္။ ဒီတံုးက လူထုေတြ ရြတ္ဆိုခဲ့တဲ့ ဂါထာကေတာ့ ရွင္းရွင္းေလးပါပဲ
ဒီမိုကေရစီရရိွေရး- ဒို ့အေရး
တပါတီစနစ္ဖ်က္သိမ္းေရး - ဒို ့အေရး
ေနာက္ခင္ညြန္ ့ တန္ခိုးထြားစဥ္က ဘိုးေတာ္သန္းလွ ( ခ) တလမ္းသြား (ခ) တိမ္းၾကားမင္းေခါင္း ဟာ လည္း ခင္ညြန္ ့ရဲ ့အလြန္ ယံုၾကည္ေနတဲ့ ဘိုးေတာ္တဦးျဖစ္ခဲ့ဘူးတယ္။ သူအၾကံေပးခ်က္နဲ့ပဲ ခင္ညြန္ဟာ အဘရာလာဘမုနိဘုရားကိုတည္လိုတည္ ေရြတိဂံုဘုရားကို ရွမ္းေဘာင္းဘီ၀တ္ျပီးတက္လိုတက္ နဲ ့ ေသာက္လုပ္ေတာ္ေတာ္ရူပ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ သူအာဏာရခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၀ နစ္ေက်ာ္ ၁၅ နစ္နီးပါးကို ဘုရားတည္လိုက္။ ေသာက္ေရးမပါတဲ့အလုပ္ေတြနဲ ့ အခ်ိန္ျဖန္းခဲ့တယ္။ လူထုအတြက္လိုအပ္ေနတဲ့ လြတ္လပ္မူ။ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္နဲ ့လက္တြဲျပီးဒီမိုကေရစီျပဳျပင္ေျပာင္းလဲမူလုပ္ငန္းေတြ ?လူသားအရင္းျမစ္ဖြင့္ျဖိဳးမူ အစီအစဥ္ေတြ နိင္ငံေတာ္အတြက္လိုအပ္ေနတဲ့ အေျခခံအေဆာက္အအံုေတြကို ဘာတခုမွာမယ္မယ္ရရ အေကာင္ထည္မေဖၚနိင္ခဲ ပါဘူး။ အယူမွားမူေတြရဲ့ရလပ္ကေတာ့ရာသက္ပန္ေထာင္နန္းစံရျခင္းပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ အခုတခါကေတာ့ သန္းေရြ အလွည္ ့က်လာျပန္ျပီ။ သူမိန္းမ ေဒၚၾကိုင္ၾကိုင္ဟာ ေအာက္လမ္းဆရာ တဦးကိုေခၚျပီး သမိုင္း၀င္ေရြတိဂံုဘုရားၾကီးေပၚမွာ ေပါက္ကရရွစ္ဆယ္ေတြ ကိုလုပ္ေနျပန္ျပီ။ သမိုင္းနဲ ့လူထုရဲ ့ဒဏ္ခတ္မူကို မလြဲမေသြခံရပါဦးမယ္။ လူထုအတြက္ ေအာင္ပြဲ ကိုရေစမဲ ့ ဂါထာကေတာ့ ငါတို ့တိုက္တယ္။ ငါတို ့နိင္တယ္ ဆိုတဲ့ ဂါထာသာျဖစ္ေတာ္မူပါေၾကာင္း သတင္းေကာင္းပါးပါရေစ။


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Miss Universe 2005 will Visit Burma

Burma invited Miss Universe 2005 from Canada

The Canadian government recently claimed economic sanctions against Burma. It is not surprising that many Canadians gave a lot of comments on the internet pages to support their government's decisions. However, a surprising news just came out is 2005 Miss Universe from Canada is going to visit Burma as a special guest. She was apparently invited by a company which sponsors a beauty contest, which will be held on the 17th of December. It is not in any news yet except Myanmar Times Burmese version.