Friday, December 14, 2007

Absolute Horrified Human Right Abuses Committed by the Military Junta

Proof of Absolute Horrified Human Right Abuses and Excuse of Burmese Ambassador

The generals may never understand what the human rights means. The Burmese ambassador to the United Nations, U Wonna Maung Lwin, recently slammed the report of Human Right professor Dr. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, saying that the crackdown on recent uprising is not violating any human right as a state using the legitimate use of force to solve a problem.

The world has been changing rapidly. It is not like 1988 or 1989 when thousands of universities students from Burma and China constantly killed by their respective governments. The ambassador should open his eyes bigger and think about whether he is saying right things and believing in right policy. Because the words he said will always remain and there is a serious consequence. U Wonna Maung Lwin supposed to be more open to the world as he has been working as foreign ambassador and many opportunities to learn how other leaders rule their states.

The following websites have a solid proof of how the military junta abused the power and violated the crimes. You can also look for more videos in these websites. They cannot eliminate the crimes they committed, and the history will remain forever.


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